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Fetching Records

The getRecords() method allows you to fetch records from the database. It retrieves records based on the specified query parameters and returns a promise that resolves to the DatabaseResponse containing the RecordData object.

It takes two arguments:

  • query: Specifies the query parameters for fetching records.
  • fetchOptions: (optional) Specifies additional configuration options for fetching database records For more information, see Database Fetch Options.

Fetching Records from a Table

let query = {
    table: 'my_collection'

    // response
     * endOfList: true,
     * list: [
     *  ...
     * ],
     * startKey: 'end',
     * ...

The example above retrieve records from a table named 'my_collection'. The table parameter in the query argument sets the table name you want to fetch records from. The retrieved records are accessed through the response.list property.

For more detailed information on all the parameters and options available with the getRecords() method, please refer to the API Reference below:

getRecords(query, fetchOptions?): Promise<DatabaseResponse<RecordData>>

Fetching Record by ID

You can fetch a record by its unique ID using the getRecords() method. When fetching a record by ID, you don't need to provide any additional configuration parameters.

let query = {
    record_id: 'record_id_to_fetch'

skapi.getRecords(query).then(response => {
    // response
     * endOfList: true,
     * list: [{
     *  ... // only 1 result
     * }],
     * startKey: null // startKey is null as no more records can be retrieved

In this example, the query object includes the record_id property set to the ID of the record you want to fetch. record_id is a unique identifier for each record in the database.

The response.list will contain the record data if the record exists.

Database Fetch Options

FetchOptions can control the number of the record per fetch, fetching the next batch of records, fetching the records by ascending/descending order... etc.

This is used globally for all database related methods that allows optional FetchOptions argument.

See full list of parameters: FetchOptions

Limit Results with fetchOptions.limit

By default, 50 sets of the data will be fetched per call. You can adjust the limit to your preference, allowing up to 1000 sets of data, by using the limit key.

Fetch More Results with fetchOptions.fetchMore

To fetch the next batch of results, you can set the fetchOption.fetchMore to true. When set to false(default), database will always return the first batch of the data.

This allows you to retrieve results in batches until the end of the list is reached.

Order results with fetchOptions.ascending

By default, the database fetch the data in ascending order. If set to false, list of data can be fetched in descending order

For example, let's say there is millions of record in the database table 'my_collection'. We can fetch the first 100 data, then paginate to the next 100 data by setting fetchOptions.fetchMore to true.

let query = {
    table: 'my_collection'

let fetchOptions = {
  limit: 100, // Limit each fetch to 100 data.
  fetchMore: false, // When false, database always gives you the first batch of data.
  ascending: false // Fetch in decending order.

skapi.getRecords(query, fetchOptions).then(res=>{
  console.log(res.list); // List of up to 100 data in the database.
  if(!res.endOfList) {
    // If there is more data to fetch, and if user chooses to, they can retrieve the next batch of 100.

    fetchOptions.fetchMore = true;
    if(confirm('Fetch more records?')) {
        skapi.getUsers(query, fetchOptions)
                console.log(res.list); // List of the next 100 data from the database.

In this example, after the first call to the database, we see the endOfList value is not true. This means there are more data left to fetch in the database.

To fetch more data in the database, we set fetchOptions.fetchMore to true and call the method again. This allows to fetch the next batch of 100 data on each execution until the end of the list is reached.


When using the fetchMore parameter, you must check if the response's endOfList value is true before making the next call. The database will always return an empty list if the fetchOptions.fetchMore is set to true and it had reached the end of list and.

You can however, initialize your fetch and refetch from start by toggling fetchOptions.fetchMore back to false.


You can fetch all the data at once by recursively calling the method until the endOfList value is true. However for efficiency, avoid trying to fetch all the data at once. Fetch only data the user needs and paginate when necessary.