API Reference: Data Types
type ConnectionInfo = {
service_name: string; // Connected Service Name
user_ip: string; // Connected user's IP address
user_agent: string; // Connected user agent
user_locale: string; // Connected user's country code
version: string; // Skapi library version: 'xxx.xxx.xxx' (major.minor.patch)
type UserProfile = {
service:string; // The service ID of the user's account.
owner:string; // The user ID of the service owner.
access_group:number; // The access level of the user's account.
user_id:string; // The user's ID.
locale:string; // The country code of the user's location when they signed up.
Account approval timestamp.
This timestamp is generated when the user confirms their signup, or recovers their disabled account.
[by_skapi | by_admin] : [approved | suspended] : [timestamp]
approved: string;
log:number; // Last login timestamp(Seconds).
The user's email address.
This should be a maximum of 64 characters and is only visible to others if the email_public option is set to true.
The email will be unverified if it is changed.
email_verified?:boolean; // Set to true if the user has verified their email.
The user's phone number.
This should be in the format "+0012341234" and is only visible to others if the phone_number_public option is set to true.
The phone number will be unverified if it is changed.
phone_number_verified?:boolean;// Set to true if the user has verified their phone number.
name?:string; // The user's name.
address?:string // The user's address.
gender?:string // The user's gender. Can be "female" or "male"; or other values if neither of these are applicable.
birthdate?:string; // The user's birthdate in the format "YYYY-MM-DD".
email_public?:boolean; // The user's email is public if this is set to true. The email should be verified.
phone_number_public?:boolean; // The user's phone number is public if this is set to true. The phone number should be verified.
address_public?:boolean; // The user's address is public if this is set to true.
gender_public?:boolean; // The user's gender is public if this is set to true.
birthdate_public?:boolean; // The user's birthdate is public if this is set to true.
picture?: string; // URL of the profile picture.
profile?: string; // URL of the profile page.
website?: string; // URL of the website.
nickname?: string; // Nickname of the user.
misc?: string; // Additional string value that can be used freely. This value is only visible from skapi.getProfile(). Not to others.
type UserPublic = {
access_group:number; // The access level of the user's account.
user_id:string; // The user's ID.
locale:string; // The country code of the user's location when they signed up.
Account approval timestamp.
This timestamp is generated when the user confirms their signup, or recovers their disabled account.
[by_skapi | by_admin] : [approved | suspended] : [timestamp]
approved: string;
timestamp:number; // Account created timestamp(milliseconds).
log:number; // Last login timestamp(milliseconds).
subscribers: number; // Number of subscribers.
records: number; // Total number of records user has produced in the database.
The user's email address.
This should be a maximum of 64 characters and is only visible to others if the email_public option is set to true.
The email will be unverified if it is changed.
The user's phone number.
This should be in the format "+0012341234" and is only visible to others if the phone_number_public option is set to true.
The phone number will be unverified if it is changed.
name?:string; // The user's name.
address?:string // The user's address.
gender?:string // The user's gender. Can be "female" or "male"; or other values if neither of these are applicable.
birthdate?:string; // The user's birthdate in the format "YYYY-MM-DD".
picture?: string; // URL of the profile picture.
profile?: string; // URL of the profile page.
website?: string; // URL of the website.
nickname?: string; // Nickname of the user.
type DatabaseResponse<T> = {
list: T[]; // List of data from the database.
startKey: { [key: string]: any; }; // Use this start key to fetch more data on the next api call.
endOfList: boolean; // true, when the query has reached the end of data.
startKeyHistory: string[]; // List of stringified start keys.
type RecordData = {
service: string; // Service ID of the current service.
record_id: string; // Record ID of this record
user_id: string; // Uploaders user ID.
updated: number; // Timestamp in milliseconds.
uploaded: number; // Timestamp in milliseconds.
ip: string; // IP address of uploader.
readonly: boolean; // Is true if this record is readonly.
bin?: { [key: string]: BinaryFile[] }; // List of binary file info the record is holding.
table: {
name: string; // Table name
access_group: number | 'private' | 'public' | 'authorized'; // Allowed access level of this record.
subscription?: boolean; // true if the record is in the subscription access level.
reference: {
record_id?: string; // ID of a record that this record is referencing.
reference_limit: number | null; // Number of reference this record is allowing. Infinite if null.
allow_multiple_reference: boolean; // Is true if this record allows other users to upload a record referencing this record multiple times.
referenced_count: number; // Number of records that referenced this record.
can_remove_reference: boolean; // Is true if the owner of the record can remove the referenced records.
index?: {
name: string; // Index name.
value: string | number | boolean; // Value of the index.
tags?: string[]; // List of tags attached to the record.
data?: { [key: string]: any }; // Uploaded JSON data.
type BinaryFile = {
access_group: number | 'private' | 'public' | 'authorized'; // Allowed access level of this file.
filename: string; // Filename of the file.
url: string; // Full URL endpoint of the file.
path: string; // Path of the file.
size: number; // Size of the file in bytes.
uploaded: number; // Timestamp in milliseconds.
getFile: (dataType?: 'base64' | 'download' | 'endpoint' | 'blob' | 'text' | 'info'; progress?: ProgressCallback) => Promise<Blob | string | void | FileInfo>;
type ProgressCallback = (p: {
status: 'download' | 'upload'; // Current status
progress: number; // Progress in percentage
loaded: number; // Loaded size of the data
total: number; // Total size of the data
currentFile?: File, // For files only
completed?: File[]; // For files only
failed?: File[]; // For files only
abort: () => void; // Aborts current data transfer. When abort is triggered during fileUpload(), it will continue to next file.
}) => void;
type FileInfo = {
url: string;
filename: string;
access_group: number | 'private' | 'public' | 'authorized';
filesize: number;
record_id: string;
uploader: string;
uploaded: number;
fileKey: string;
type FetchOptions = {
limit?: number; // Max number of data to fetch per call. Max 1000. Default = 50.
fetchMore?: boolean; // Fetches next batch of data if true. Default = false.
ascending?: boolean; // Results in ascending order if true
startKey?: { [key: string]: any; }; // When start key is given, database query starts from the given key.
progress?: ProgressCallback // Callback executed when there is data transfer between the server. Can be useful when building progress bar.
type Table = {
table: string; // Table name in the database.
number_of_records: string; // Number of records in the table.
size: number; // Size in bytes currently consumed in the table. (This does not include cloud storage size which is consumed by binary files)
type Index = {
table: string; // Table name of the index
index: string; // Index name
number_of_records: number; // Number of records in the index
string_count: number; // Number of string type value in the index
number_count: number; // Number of number type value in the index
boolean_count: number; // Number of boolean type value in the index
total_number: number; // Sum of all number values in the index
total_bool: number; // Number of true(boolean) values in the index
average_number: number; // Average of all numbers in the index
average_bool: number; // Percentage of true(boolean) values in the index
type Tag = {
table: string; // Table name of the tag
tag: string; // Tag name
number_of_records: string; // Number records tagged
type Subscription = {
subscriber: string; // User ID of the subscriber
subscription: string; // User ID of the user which subscriber has subscribed to
group: number; // Subscription group 1~99
timestamp: number; // Subscription timestamp(milliseconds)
blocked: boolean; // true when subscriber is blocked
type RealtimeCallback = (rt: {
type: 'message' | 'private' | 'error' | 'success' | 'close' | 'notice';
message: any;
sender?: string; // User ID of the sender
sender_cid?: string; // Connection ID of the sender
}) => void;
type Newsletter = {
message_id: string; // Message ID of the newsletter
timestamp: number; // Timestamp of the newsletter
complaint: number; // Number of complaints
read: number; // Number of reads
subject: string; // Subject of the newsletter
bounced: string; // Number of bounces
url: string; // URL of the html file of the newsletter