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Skapi provides easy integration of WebRTC, allowing developers to quickly set up real-time communication features in their applications.

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a technology that enables peer-to-peer media and data streaming between two parties. This can be used for video calls, voice calls, and data exchange, making it a versatile tool for various real-time communication needs.

Creating RTC Connection

To create RTC connection, both party needs to be online and need to utilize realtime connection.

  1. Both party should create realtime connection by using connectRealtime() method.

  2. Once both parties are connected to realtime, both parties should join same realtime group by using joinRealtime()

  3. Now both parties can see each other's cid either by calling getRealtimeUsers() method or from the RealtimeCallback.

    One of the party can request RTC connection by using the opponent's cid with connectRTC() method.

  4. If media streaming is used, user should allow their device to be used from the webpage.

Below is an example code of the process:

<!-- skapi should be previously initialized... -->

    video {
        width: 320px;
        height: 240px;
        border: 1px solid black;

<!-- Below are the video elements which it will display incoming / outgoing media streams -->
<video id="localVideo" autoplay muted></video>
<video id="remoteVideo" autoplay></video>

<!-- Dialog element opens when making/receiving a call -->
<dialog id="call_dialog"></dialog>

    skapi.connectRealtime(RealtimeCallback); // Connect to realtime
    skapi.joinRealtime({ group: 'RTCCall' }); // Join a realtime group

    let rtcConnection = null;
    let receiver = null;

    function RealtimeCallback(rt) {
        if(rt.type === 'notice') {
            if(rt.message.includes('has joined the message group')) {
                // When opponent joins a room, make a RTC call
                receiver = await skapi.connectRTC({cid: rt.sender_cid, media: { audio:true, video: true}}, RTCEvent);

                call_dialog.innerHTML = /*html*/`
                    <p>Outgoing call</p>
                    <button onclick="receiver.hangup(); call_dialog.close();">Reject</button>
                call_dialog.showModal(); // Display outgoing call dialog

                rtcConnection = await receiver.connection; // Save resolved RTC connection object
                document.getElementById('localVideo').srcObject =; // Show outgoing local media stream

        if (rt.type === 'rtc:incoming') {
            // incomming rtc call

            receiver = rt;

            call_dialog.innerHTML = /*html*/`
                <p>Incoming call</p>
                <button onclick='
                    receiver.connectRTC({ media: {audio: true, video: true} }, RTCEvent)
                        .then(rtc => {
                            rtcConnection = rtc; // Save resolved RTC connection object
                            document.getElementById("localVideo").srcObject =; // Show outgoing local media stream
                <button onclick="receiver.hangup();call_dialog.close();">Reject</button>

            call_dialog.showModal(); // Display incoming call dialog

        else if (rt.type === 'rtc:closed') {
            // rtc connection is closed

    function RTCEvent(e) {
        switch (e.type) {
            // RTC Events
            case 'track':
                // Incoming Media Stream...
                document.getElementById('remoteVideo').srcObject = e.streams[0];
                // {
                //     type: 'track',
                //     target: RTCPeerConnection,
                //     timeStamp: event.timeStamp,
                //     streams: event.streams,
                //     track: event.track,
                // }

            case 'connectionstatechange':
                // {
                //     type: 'connectionstatechange',
                //     target: RTCPeerConnection,
                //     timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
                //     state: RTCPeerConnection.connectionState,
                //     iceState: RTCPeerConnection.iceConnectionState,
                //     signalingState: RTCPeerConnection.signalingState
                // }
                if (state === 'disconnected' || state === 'failed' || state === 'closed') {
                    // is disconnected
                else if (state === 'connecting') {
                    // is connecting

            // Data Channel Events
            case 'close':
                // `Data Channel:${}:${e.type}`
                // {
                //     type: event.type,
                //     target: dataChannel,
                //     timeStamp: event.timeStamp,
                //     readyState: dataChannel.readyState,
                //     label: dataChannel.label,
                //     id:
                // }
            case 'message':
                // `Data Channel:${}:${e.type}`
                // {
                //     type: event.type,
                //     target: dataChannel,
                //     timeStamp: event.timeStamp,
                //     data:,
                //     lastEventId: event.lastEventId,
                //     origin: event.origin,
                //     readyState: dataChannel.readyState,
                //     bufferedAmount: dataChannel.bufferedAmount
                // }
            case 'open':
                // {
                //     type: event.type,
                //     target: dataChannel,
                //     timeStamp: event.timeStamp,
                //     readyState: dataChannel.readyState,
                //     label: dataChannel.label,
                //     id:,
                //     ordered: dataChannel.ordered,
                //     maxRetransmits: dataChannel.maxRetransmits,
                //     protocol: dataChannel.protocol
                // }
            case 'bufferedamountlow':
                // {
                //     target: dataChannel,
                //     bufferedAmount: dataChannel.bufferedAmount,
                //     bufferedAmountLowThreshold: dataChannel.bufferedAmountLowThreshold,
                //     type: event.type,
                //     timeStamp: event.timeStamp
                // }
            case 'error':
                // `Data Channel:${}:${e.type}`
                // {
                //     type: event.type,
                //     target: dataChannel,
                //     timeStamp: event.timeStamp,
                //     error: event.error.message,
                //     errorCode: event.error.errorDetail,
                //     readyState: dataChannel.readyState,
                //     label: dataChannel.label
                // }
            // ICE Events
            case 'icecandidate':
                // {
                //     type: 'icecandidate',
                //     target: RTCPeerConnection,
                //     timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
                //     candidate: event.candidate.candidate,
                //     sdpMid: event.candidate.sdpMid,
                //     sdpMLineIndex: event.candidate.sdpMLineIndex,
                //     usernameFragment: event.candidate.usernameFragment,
                //     protocol: event.candidate.protocol,
                //     gatheringState: RTCPeerConnection.iceGatheringState,
                //     connectionState: RTCPeerConnection.iceConnectionState
                // }
            case 'icecandidateend':
                // {
                //     type: 'icecandidateend',
                //     target: RTCPeerConnection,
                //     timestamp: new Date().toISOString()
                // }

            case 'icegatheringstatechange':
                // {
                //     type: 'icegatheringstatechange',
                //     target: RTCPeerConnection,
                //     timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
                //     state: RTCPeerConnection.iceGatheringState,
                //     connectionState: RTCPeerConnection.iceConnectionState,
                //     signalingState: RTCPeerConnection.signalingState
                // }
            case 'negotiationneeded':
                // RTC negotiation needed. Sending offer..
                // {
                //     type: 'negotiationneeded',
                //     target: RTCPeerConnection,
                //     timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
                //     signalingState: RTCPeerConnection.signalingState,
                //     connectionState: RTCPeerConnection.iceConnectionState,
                //     gatheringState: RTCPeerConnection.iceGatheringState
                // }
            case 'signalingstatechange':
                // {
                //     type: 'signalingstatechange',
                //     target: RTCPeerConnection,
                //     timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
                //     state: RTCPeerConnection.signalingState,
                //     connectionState: RTCPeerConnection.iceConnectionState,
                //     gatheringState: RTCPeerConnection.iceGatheringState
                // }