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Realtime Connection

Skapi's realtime connection let's you transfer JSON data between users in realtime. This is useful for creating chat applications, notifications, etc.

Creating Connection


User must be logged in to call this method

Before you start sending realtime data, you must create a realtime connection. You can create a realtime connection by calling connectRealtime() method.

For more detailed information on all the parameters and options available with the connectRealtime() method, please refer to the API Reference below:

connectRealtime(RealtimeCallback): Promise<WebSocket>

Once the connection is established, you can start receiving realtime data from the RealtimeCallback.

let RealtimeCallback = (rt) => {
    // Callback executed when there is data transfer between the users.
    rt = {
        type: 'message' | 'private' | 'error' | 'success' | 'close' | 'notice',
        message: '...',


In the example above, the RealtimeCallback function will be executed when there is data transfer between the users.

When the callback is executed, message will be passed as an object with type and message properties.

  • type Shows the type of the received message as below:

    "message": When there is data transfer between the users.

    "private": When there is private data transfer between the users.

    "error": When there is an error.

    "success": When the connection is established.

    "close": When the connection is closed.

    "notice": When there is a notice.

  • message is the data passed from the server. It can be any JSON data.

  • sender is the user ID of the message sender. It is only available when type is "message" or "private".

  • sender_cid is the connection ID of the message sender. It can be used to track the sender's connection.

Closing Connection

You can close the realtime connection by calling closeRealtime() method.


When the connection is successfully closed, RealtimeCallback will trigger with following callback data:

  type: 'close',
  message: 'WebSocket connection closed.'

For more detailed information on all the parameters and options available with the closeRealtime() method, please refer to the API Reference below:

closeRealtime(): Promise<void>


When the user closes the tab or refresh the browser, the connection will be closed automatically. And when the connection is closed user will be removed from the group.