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Creating a Record


User must be logged in to call this method

Users can create postRecord() method to create a new record or update existing records in the database.

It takes two arguments:

  • data: The data to be saved in key-value pairs. It can be an object literal, null, undefined or a form SubmitEvent.
  • config (required): Configuration for the record to be uploaded. This is where you specify the table name, access group, index values, etc.
<form onsubmit="skapi.postRecord(event, { table: 'my_collection'}).then(record => console.log(record))">
    <input name="something" placeholder="Say something"/>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
// Data to be saved in key:value pairs
let data = {
    something: "Hello World"

// Configuration for the record to be uploaded
let config = {
    table: 'my_collection'

skapi.postRecord(data, config).then(record=>{
        data: { something: "Hello World" },
        table: { name: 'my_collection', access_group: 'public' },

This example demonstrates using the postRecord() method to create a record in the database. When the request is successful, the RecordData is returned.

In this example, the first argument takes the actual data to be uploaded to the database. The data is a Javascript object that has string value in the key 'something'. And in the second argument we have set table name to be my_collection.

Table name is a required field in the configuration object and the table name should not contain any special characters.

For more detailed information on all the parameters and options available with the postRecord() method, please refer to the API Reference below:

postRecord(data, config):Promise<RecordData>


Skapi database does not require you to pre-setup your database schema.

If the specified table does not exist, it will be automatically created when you create the record. Conversely, if a table has no records, it will be automatically deleted.