API Reference: Admin
userAttributes: {
email: string; // Required. Max 64 characters.
name?: string; // Name of the user.
access_group: number; // Access group level of the user. (1~99) 99 is admin level.
phone_number?: string; // Must be in "+0012341234" format.
address?: string; // or you can use OpenID Standard Claims https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#StandardClaims
gender?: string; // Can be any string
birthdate?: string; // Must be in YYYY-MM-DD format
email_public?: boolean; // When set to true, email attribute is visible to others.
phone_number_public?: boolean; // When set to true, phone_number attribute is visible to others.
address_public?: boolean; // When set to true, address attribute is visible to others.
gender_public?: boolean; // When set to true, gender attribute is visible to others.
birthdate_public?: boolean; // When set to true, birthdate attribute is visible to others.
picture?: string; // URL of the profile picture.
profile?: string; // URL of the profile page.
website?: string; // URL of the website.
nickname?: string; // Nickname of the user.
misc?: string; // Additional string value that can be used freely. This value is only visible from skapi.getProfile()
options?: {
confirmation_url?: string; // URL to redirect the user after the invitation is accepted.
email_subscription: boolean; // When true, the user will receive service newsletters.
): Promise<'SUCCESS: Invitation has been sent. (User ID: xxx...)'>
userAttributes: {
email: string; // Required. Max 64 characters.
): Promise<'SUCCESS: Invitation has been re-sent. (User ID: xxx...)'>
getInvitations(params: {
email?: string; // When set, only invitations with the email starting with the given string will be returned.
}, fetchOptions: FetchOptions): Promise<DatabaseResponse<UserProfile>>
See DatabaseResponse.
See UserProfile.
See FetchOptions.
cancelInvitation(params: {
email: string; // email of the user to cancel the invitation.
}): Promise<"SUCCESS: Invitation has been canceled.">
grantAccess(params: {
user_id: string; // User ID to grant access.
access_group: number; // Access group level of the user. (1~99) 99 is admin level.
}): Promise<'SUCCESS: Access has been granted to the user.'>
userAttributes: {
email: string; // Required. Max 64 characters.
password: string; // Required. At least 6 characters and a maximum of 60 characters.
name?: string; // Name of the user.
phone_number?: string; // Must be in "+0012341234" format.
address?: string; // or you can use OpenID Standard Claims https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#StandardClaims
gender?: string; // Can be any string
birthdate?: string; // Must be in YYYY-MM-DD format
email_public?: boolean; // When set to true, email attribute is visible to others when the user confirms the email later.
phone_number_public?: boolean; // When set to true, phone_number attribute is visible to others when the user confirms the phone umber later.
address_public?: boolean; // When set to true, address attribute is visible to others.
gender_public?: boolean; // When set to true, gender attribute is visible to others.
birthdate_public?: boolean; // When set to true, birthdate attribute is visible to others.
picture?: string; // URL of the profile picture.
profile?: string; // URL of the profile page.
website?: string; // URL of the website.
nickname?: string; // Nickname of the user.
misc?: string; // Additional string value that can be used freely. This value is only visible from skapi.getProfile(). Not to others.
): Promise<UserProfile>
See UserProfile.
deleteAccount(params: {
user_id: string;
}): Promise<'SUCCESS: Account has been deleted.'>
blockAccount(params: {
user_id: string;
}): Promise<'SUCCESS: The user has been blocked.'>
unblockAccount(params: {
user_id: string;
}): Promise<'SUCCESS: The user has been unblocked.'>